True Presence Occupancy Detection Sensors (TruePODS)
True Presence Occupancy Detection Sensors (TruePODS™) for indoor spaces detect and count true human presence by employing Doppler radar technology and low power system-on-chip (SoC) platform to detect the cardiopulmonary activity in the room.
Intrinsically Flexible and Safe Lithium Ion Batteries
Lithium ion batteries that are flexible, conformable, safe, and high performance. Can be used in applications ranging from wearables to flexible electronics to structural integrations.
Sludge dewatering using Magnetic Flocculation
Magtech Aquaclean Technology introduces dispersed ferromagnetic particles into water causing physical-chemical reactions. Thus, dissimilar impurities contained in the treated water precipitate on the ferromagnetic particles. A compact ferromagnetic hydrophobic sludge is formed, separated from water by using a magnetic field, or by other conventional methods (sedimentation, filtration).
Live, Operating Cable Test Technology
The technology is a non-invasive, non-destructive, non-contact technology to evaluate the insulation of any conductor in the power grid, instrumentation, or control system. Applications include underground power cables, aircraft control cables, and shipboard power and instrumentation cables. No disconnection or unloading of the cable is required.
A nano-enabled technology for the dewatering of oil waste streams
Very small particles (nanoparticles) are used to dewater oily waste waters generated, for instance, in the removal of oil spills and discharges in the environment. This reduces hazardous waste and provides valuable products. It is a platform technology, which can also be used for the treatment of other contaminants
Air-Q, A Portable System for Aerosol Detection and Mitigation for Buildings and Transportation Systems
A wireless particle sensor network capable of detecting, processing, and displaying spatial maps of airborne particle concentrations in real time for the analysis of indoor air quality and proper indoor airflow.
A Compact Sewage Bio-Reactor for Energy Recovery
By immobilising bacteria as biofilm on floating carriers and using creative mixing strategy, this low-energy bioreactor consumes 20% of energy compared with the conventional biological treatment system. It can capture over 90% of carbon from sewage to produce biogas as renewable energy while occupying 30% of the conventional system’s footprint.
Leakproof Valve
We have invented a magnetically actuated valve that will never leak -- It can be hermetically sealed shut.
Microbial corrosion test kit
MIC Monitor developed a test kit based on their patent-pending technology to determine when microbial growth inside will lead to corrosion. This is the first kit able to differentiate between biotic corrosion from the abiotic corrosion to determine management plans specific to mitigating microbial corrosion.
Novel Nano Oil Additive Reduces Friction and Increases Engine Efficiency.
Our novel nano oil additive improves fuel economy, horsepower, torque, and life expectancy in all gasoline and diesel-powered internal combustion engines. This additive reduces diesel turbo temperatures by 3%.
MetZilla Additive
Osazda Energy's MetZilla additive for silver pastes improves solar panel durability and increases solar energy harvested.
Supercapacitor for electronics and vehicle applications
PolyMaterials is developing a prototype supercapacitor (“Poly3-Scap”) suited for consumer electronics, toys, medical devices, etc. PolyMaterials is also laying the groundwork for supercapacitor “Poly4M-Scap” of greater voltages (27 to 48V) required for hybrid motor vehicles, power grid, space, and large appliance applications.
Poseidon Hydroelectric System (PHS)
Poseidon Hydroelectric produces electricity 24/7 on any water source without a dam, wind, sun, waves or tides using proven technology. Adjustable, scalable, and modular PHS provides maximum flexibility and fast installation.
ASGUARD: Advanced Sea Going & Underwater Autonomous Research Device
SubSeaSail (SSS) will create a submerging version of its existing long-duration, semi-submersible vessel outfitted with an acoustic array, magnetometer and other sensors to provide near and far field monitoring above and below water.
Process for the Electrochemical Up-cycling of Plastics
A process for upcycling plastic waste into high-value products such as fuel, chemicals, and feedstocks through electrochemical depolymerization.
No Sparks No Fire: Saving Human Lives via Ultra-Fast Detection and Prevention of Wildfire-Triggering Events in Power Grids
We propose next-generation smart sensors in power grids that enable ultra-fast detection and prevention of wildfire-triggering events in power grids. The main idea is to introduce a new scheme that detects and isolates the wildfire-triggering broken power line within the timeframe during which it is falling on the ground.
Microwave Assisted CO2 Conversion
NETL has developed catalyst materials that use microwave energy to efficiently convert CO2 and natural gas into synthesis gas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen). This process converts two greenhouse gases frequently produced at point sources such as gas wells into a valuable chemical precursor for producing alcohols, plastics, fertilizers, and fuels.
AIIM: Advanced Infrastructure Integrity Modeling
AIIM technology integrates big data, big data computing, and machine learning models to evaluate energy infrastructure integrity. The innovation of AIIM technology applies data representing the whole natural-engineered offshore system to forecast local platform longevity and inform maintenance and risk mitigation strategies, delivering real-time energy security insights.
Carbon-Free Ammonia Fuel from Renewable Electricity
We are proposing a way to stably store Hydrogen fuel (H2) as Ammonia (NH3). Operating on nitrates in wastewater (NO3) and renewable electricity, our technology will provide cost-effective grid-scale storage for surplus renewable power. Ammonia is safe, high-density Hydrogen fuel that never spoils and can power just about anything.