Dementia Diagnosis Using Speech Related Features
Diagnosing the dementia is an important first step to ensure we have appropriate treatment or care. In general, there are three tests for this diagnosis: Laboratory tests, Brain-imaging tests and psychological tests. One protocol for collecting speech samples for aphasia analysis work is to ask volunteers to describe what they see in a picture. They are able to view the picture while they speak. The test would be able to be administered in a wide variety of settings simply by obtaining a standardized speech sample and analyzing its characteristics to determine the presence of specific patterns that indicate potential presence of the disease. The criteria for differentiation have been preliminary investigated and are promising, with a 64% sensitivity and 95% specificity, but the sample size was limited. Obviously, a larger training population is needed to develop tighter speech pattern screening criteria and to better separate the currently normal population from those at risk. The main gap that pilot studies could not address properly is the amount of collected samples. The main goal of this work is to collect more samples to make the final product more accurate and reliable; i.e., to increase both the sensitivity and the specificity
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Bio-Ionic Liquid Conjugated Gels: Hemostatic, Antimicrobial and Highly Adhesive Hydrogel for Traumatic Surgery
Traumatic injury damages the soft tissues and skeletal muscle, leading to fatality from hemorrhagic loss of blood and infection which needs to be addressed by early onset trauma management. The coagulation process, divided into primary hemostasis and the coagulation cascade, ensures the prevention of excessive bleeding and converts the blood into stable and insoluble fibrin. In cases of severe trauma, the rate of hemostasis is not rapid enough to prevent excessive loss of blood. Traditionally, compression using gauze and suturing the wounded tissues have been employed to achieve rapid coagulation. These traditional methods are ineffective in controlling hemorrhage involved in surgical procedures. We conjugated the biocompatible polymers and polymerized using visible light to form a sticky hydrogel that can be used as a bioadhesive. In this study, we synthesised hydrogel-based surgical adhesives for wound healing with properties including mechanical characteristics comparable to the native tissues, antimicrobial, high adhesion, biodegradability, high biocompatibility, and ease-of-use.
Wearable device for continuous monitoring and intelligent intervening of targeted body region
A wearable device that will detect the critical information of the body part. Then deliver treatment on demand if the sensor signal is at certain range or over a threshold. Meanwhile, the data are stored and collected to find the pattern of the symptom for both individuals and groups. Existing medical devices are either bulk and inconvenient to use by the patients themselves, or slow and late if the patients need to find a clinic or go back to home to use. This wearable device will deliver treatment on demand when the symptom attacks or provide preemptive treatment before the symptom starts after enough personal data are collected and processed.
Fluoride-based MRI Agents for Advanced Applications
Owing to the expanding aging population, age-related and ‘modern world’ diseases have become the main concerns in the healthcare arena. These, in turn, have increased the demand for target-specific, high-quality imaging agents that will enhance the use of MRI as a diagnostic tool and as a therapeutic monitoring platform. Many of the currently available contrast agents are not adequately specific and are therefore not suitable for a variety of applications. The 19FNC imaging agent addresses these issues. So far, the challenge in creating soluble fluoride based MRI agents has hindered their use in products. The Weizmann Institute researchers have successfully solved this problem by decorating the 19FNCs surfaces with a biocompatible poly(ethylene glycol), which eliminated the dipolar interactions while preserving the nanocrystals’ high-resolution 19F-NMR properties. The end result demonstrated high specificity, as well as satisfactory body clearance and surface modifiability. Applying this technology as a specific marker for MRI can have a huge impact on the medical diagnostic field, including diagnosis and monitoring the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and even cancer. Moreover, it can be used to track therapeutic cells and report on their therapeutic capabilities.