Carol Rabke

Technology to Market (T2M) Advisor


Carol Rabke joined the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of SBIR/STTR Programs in July 2021 as a Technology to Market (T2M) advisor. In this role, she is focused on providing resources to help DOE SBIR/STTR applicants and awardees build the necessary relationships at each step of the development path. To that end, she has released the SBIR Partnering Platform for DOE applicants/awardees and relevant stakeholders to engage and organizes virtual networking sessions and commercialization workshops. She also maintains several pages on partnering resources on the DOE SBIR website.

Prior to joining DOE, Carol spent over twenty years working in the SBIR/STTR community as a commercialization service provider while employed by Dawnbreaker. During this time, she worked with hundreds of SBIR/STTR funded small businesses.

Carol has a Ph.D. in physical/analytical chemistry from the University of Utah.