Alex Eskandarian


Harvard Medical School

Dr. Eskandarian is a microbiologist and instructor in the Blavatnik Institute and Systems Biology Department, at Harvard Medical School. He received his PhD in Cellular Biology and Infection at the Institut Pasteur, from the Université Paris Descartes, in 2013. For his postdoc, he joined the labs of Professors John McKinney and Georg Fantner, at EPFL, as an EMBO advanced long-term fellow. Since 2019, he has been a junior PI at UCSF’s Division of Experimental Medicine until relocating in late 2023 to Harvard Medical School. While a postdoc, Dr. Eskandarian developed Long-Term Time-Lapse Atomic Force Microscopy (LTTL-AFM) as a discovery-based, hypothesis-generating technique aiming to redefine the fundamental principles underlying microbial cell processes for which molecular mechanisms remain unknown. He has leveraged his discoveries to investigate why microbial pathogens are refractory to killing despite harboring genetic sensitivities to cidal stressors. Ultimately, his work aims to redefine how infections are treated, by conditioning bacterial pathogens into stress-sensitive cell states.