On-Demand Manufacturing of Electronics for Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices

M. Seol
NASA Ames,
United States

Keywords: NASA, On-Demand Manufacturing, Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices


This talk will provide an overview of NASA’s On-Demand Manufacturing of Electronics (ODME) mission, highlighting recent achievements and ongoing focuses. In particular, the talk will focus on cutting-edge additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques for next-generation semiconductor devices. The ODME project has successfully developed a wide range of functional devices, including electronic components, energy storage devices, environmental sensors, and biosensors, by combining advanced materials development, innovative manufacturing technologies, and in-depth characterization methods. The first part of the presentation will cover the motivation, key techniques, and results of some of the recent ODME achievements. The second part will delve into the recent expansion of ODME technology and expertise to next-generation semiconductor manufacturing for in-space and on-earth utilizations. This section will introduce some of the advanced additive manufacturing techniques for next-generation semiconductor devices and discuss future development plans.