% TechConnect.cls % LaTeX2e class file for TechConnect World proceedings % Save as TechConnect.cls % References style from IEEE magazine style % Ver. November 23, 2017. % Please suggest changes to: bfr ( at ) % techconnect.org \typeout{Document Style Option `TechConnect' -- Ver. November 23, 2017} % Load standard LaTeX article style \LoadClass{article} % Define printed area size, margins, etc. \setlength\paperheight {11in} \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in} \evensidemargin -1.04cm \oddsidemargin -1.04cm \topmargin -0.94cm \headheight 0pt \headsep 0pt \footskip 0pt \textheight 23.5cm \textwidth 18cm \columnsep 1cm \columnseprule 0pt \pagestyle{empty} % Redefine \tiny to 6pt on 7pt spacing: \def\tiny{\@setsize\tiny{7pt}\vipt\@vipt\let\@listi\@listI} % Define style for title \def\@titlefntext#1{\vskip 1em \parindent 1em #1} \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \let\@makefntext\@titlefntext \twocolumn[\@maketitle] \endgroup \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@title{} \gdef\@author{} } \def\@maketitle{ \vbox to 1.75in{% \hsize\textwidth \linewidth\hsize %Adjust spacing between lines in title: \baselineskip 14 pt \vfil \centering {\Large\bf \@title}\par \vskip 1em {\normalsize \begin{tabular}[t]{c} \large \@author \end{tabular}} \par \vfil } } % Define style for keywords \def\keywords#1{{\flushleft \boldmath $Keywords$\/}: \ignorespaces {#1}} % Define styles for sections/subsections \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{2.5ex plus 1ex minus 0.2ex}{1.7ex plus 0.2ex}{\centering \large \bf}} \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{2.25ex plus 1ex minus 0.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\flushleft \large \bf}} % change rubber space between figures/tables and text from 20pt to 10pt \textfloatsep 10pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % References, much help from APS' RevTex.sty, American Physical % Society, 1991 \def\thebibliography#1{ \section*{REFERENCES} \list{{\normalsize[\arabic{enumi}]}} {\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]} \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep \usecounter{enumi} \partopsep 0pt \parsep 0pt \itemsep 0pt } \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em} \sloppy \clubpenalty 4000 \widowpenalty 4000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax \normalsize } \def\endthebibliography{\normalsize\endlist} % initializations \parindent 0.5cm \flushbottom