Ching Pang grew up in Hong Kong and moved to New York for high school. She is currently a sophomore at Cornell University and is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering. Ching has been involved in AguaClara Cornell for two years. She has been a sub-team lead of the Fluoride-Gravity team and is a team lead for the summer team. This last semester, she has been on the Ram Pump team which has been working on the AguaClara Vertical Ram Pump to deliver water from below the facility to higher elevations for utilization in chemical stock tanks or electricity-free plant plumbing. Outside of research, Ching is also a community chair for AguaClara, and organizes social activities to promote team bonding. Besides AguaClara, she is also a brother of Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity, and has done over 50 hours of service per semester. In the future she hopes to continue to create innovations with engineering to help the environment and benefit the next generation.